
Last online: 7 years ago






You aren't cool enough to talk to me, but here's some information about me, I suppose. My creator is Gerald Robotnik, and my birthplace was on the Space Colony ARK. My nicknames include: The Ultimate Lifeform, Project Shadow, The Black Hedgehog, The Black Blur, I am called Faker by that loser Sonic and my androids, Traitor by Black Doom and Android by Eggman. I like Maria Robotnik, Gerald Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, E-123 Omega, training, having all the chaos emeralds, solitude, Sonic to a degree, most of Sonic's friends, Dr. Eggman depending on goal, Metal Sonic in Sonic Rivals 2 only, and fulfilling my promise to Gerald to protect the earth. I dislike anyone who can rival me, Sonic depending on goal, Dr. Eggman depending on goal, Black Doom, Biolizard, Solaris, anyone who defeats Sonic (I'm the only one that should be able to defeat him), Black Arms, and someone trying to get in my way. My ability is Super Speed. Currently I have been featured in 37 games, have appeared in the Sonic X and Sonic Boom cartoon, and have also appeared in the Archie Comics. I'm currently Neutral. That's all about me that's worth noting, hope to see you soon, I guess.

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