Flicky Turncoat DX
Flicky Turncoat DX is a hack of Sonic 1 by GT Koopa. It has a top down art style similar to the 8-bit game Sonic Blast. Read more
Flicky Turncoat DX is a hack of Sonic 1 by GT Koopa. It has a top down art style similar to the 8-bit game Sonic Blast. The main idea of the game that, like the namesake, the small animals that Sonic used to save now hurt you. Luckily for the player, a shield now protects from the small animals, with the added ability of saving up said shields. Another quirk of the hack is that spikes kill you instantly, ala Megaman. Finally, there is an emerald monitor hidden within each act, requiring 50 rings to activate. The first zone, Pocky Field, is currently available to play.
2015-07-07 17:32:30