Sonic 1 Flash Flood
Sonic 1 Flash Flood is a ROM hack of Sonic the Hedghog that features new palette, audio, zone layout and special stage mRead more
Sonic 1 Flash Flood is a ROM hack of Sonic the Hedghog that features new palette, audio, zone layout and special stage modifications, in addition to new gameplay mechanics. Flood waters rise and recede at random all over the island, significantly changing how the island is navigated. Can you make it through?Features:Level Design - In addition to the rain effect and water palettes, level layouts are tweaked to account for water physics.Marble Zone has altered lava physics, and Acts 2 and 3 have new shortcuts.Being entirely underground, Labyrinth Zone has been affected a bit...differently by the change in weather.Goggles Monitors - These take the place of air bubbles, and are thus unlimited. Use as many as you need!Badnik Behavior - The rain and flooding is even affecting Eggman's robots and hazards, causing them to malfunction! Some are even enhanced by the chaotic weather. Strangely, most fire-related hazards (such as flamethrowers and fireballs) remain unaffected, defying all logic.Special Stages - New special stage gameplay style, with art and music changes. Get Yellow Rings!Water Physics - Some general quality of life improvements to the water physics, and bug fixes are included here (with a few exceptions, for gameplay reasons).Level Select - Available upon pressing start, no code required. Feel free to check out any zone or special stage at your leisure.Known Bugs:Minor graphical bug in the special stage background, and on the results screen.In the Special Stages, blocks at the edge of the screen being loaded in flicker, due to the amount of objects.Level art mapping glitches crop up on rare occasion.Labyrinth and Scrap Brain's palette cycles are bit buggy at the moment.There are a couple of lingering walk-jump bugs here and therePlanned FeaturesImproved object optimizationImporting Sonic 2-3's child sprite systemUnderwater sound/music modeEven more environmental effects.More significant changes to bosses, Final Boss, etc.
2022-03-26 07:17:54