Robotnik Returns 2
A hack based on Sonic 2 made by Pacguy.The sequel to Robotnik Returns, Robotnik Returns 2 (you can call it RR2 for shortRead more
A hack based on Sonic 2 made by Pacguy.The sequel to Robotnik Returns, Robotnik Returns 2 (you can call it RR2 for short). Vastly improved from the previous demo, and mostly hidden from the public, this hack has been in the works for quite some time...Credits: Music: JoenickROS for the music ports, KHinsider for the midis they were based on, and Flamewing for the S3, S&K, and S3D blast ports I stuffed in here and there. And last but not least, Clownacy, for creating the Clone Driver V2, without which this hack would probably have default or horrendously ported music :V Code: MarkeyJester and MainMemory for various fixes and guides, RedHotSonic for his many cool guides, and Selbi, whos' guides offered me realms of understanding, and made things like the custom character moves possible for me to do :3
2016-04-12 20:44:24