Sonic 2 Revamped
Sonic 2 Revamped was a heavy modification of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 created by Irixion. This mod first started out as a laRead more
Sonic 2 Revamped was a heavy modification of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 created by Irixion. This mod first started out as a layout hack, a test of skill, and what Irixion could do. At the time, it didn't have a name, but after seeking for someone who could help, Tweaker suggested the name Sonic 2: Revamped, and it stuck ever since. It eventually grew into a few close friends helping out, and the project grew into realizing Irixion's vision of the perfect game. After major setbacks and a core crippling incident, the hack was ultimately scrapped.
2015-08-29 08:02:56